Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Why bid an item online? Bidding and winning an item online is really fun. You can also save gas and if your lucky you can get a brand name item for less. What are the things that you have to consider before bidding an item?

Tips for bidding an item:

1. Check the score 10 (%100)
It is very important that you check the score of the seller because it represents how many items they had sold since they started selling. I would suggest that you avoid bidding on an item when the seller has only bellow 10 score.

2. Read the feedback:
Make sure you read the sellers feedback and sellers feedback as a buyer. Don't go by the percentage of the seller because sometimes it will still show %100 feedback even though they had a dispute in the past wherein the seller and the buyer agreed to withdraw the bad feedback. Sometimes some buyers are satisfied with the item but not very happy with the shipping that's why they leave neutral feedback on the seller . Neutral feedback doesn't really affect the sellers ratings.

3.Read the description of the item you are bidding:
Read the description of the item carefully and most specially the words that are written in small letters. There are some sellers that sells cellphone and at the bottom of the description you will see a small printed message saying that this auction is for box only or picture only,obviously that's a scam remember Judge Judy show?

4. Don't give your credit card number:
I know Paypal screwed me in the past but I would still suggest that you pay through them using your credit card because if you are not satisfied with the item or you were being scammed by the seller you can always initiate a dispute against them.

5. Disputing an item:
You can always file a dispute through paypal but I strongly suggest that you contact your credit card company and file a dispute. Credit card companies favors the credit card holder so just keep any forms of evidences with you because sometimes there are sellers who tried to defend their selves hoping that they could get away with it.

6. Don't give any back up funding:
Make sure you don't give your bank account as your second source of funding.

Bid wisely.


Tingting Rimart said...

Thanks for sharing the tips. I want to bid in eBay, but I am scared. At least now, I have the idea.TC.

Evita said...

And lastly... Once you finalized the bid and the buying... save all exchange of emails and confirmation just in case something happened.

I agree on checking feedback and and number of items sold. The more items a person/company has sold, means the more reliable they are.